
One of ORRA's objectives is to bring together the Radio owners of member off-road clubs and recognised organisations.

In order for a Club or organisation to be recognised by ORRA they must comply with the ORRA constitution as well as the Specific Criteria as indicated below.

Bona Fide off-road Clubs or Organisations who comply with the ORRA constitution as well as the Specific Criteria as indicated below must complete the club application form and submit all the documents requested on the form.

The ORRA constitutions determines club recognition as:


 7.1 A Bona Fide off-road Club or Organisation may apply for recognition to ORRA.

 7.2 The ORRA committee or their representative will determine the criteria that will be applicable for recognition.

 7.3 The ORRA committee or their representative may accept or reject an application from a Bona Fide off-road Club or Organisation for recognition.

 7.4 The ORRA committee or their representative may terminate the recognition status of any bona fide off-road club and/or organisation if the committee is of the opinion that such bona fide off-road club and/or organisation does not act in the interest of ORRA and/or the larger off-road community.

The criteria applicable for recognition to join ORRA are:

A Bona Fide off-road club or Organisation in Southern Africa shall be eligible to apply for membership of ORRA provided that:

1. It caters for off-road vehicles owners/users.

2. It agrees to abide by the code of conduct and constitution of ORRA.

3. It has an ordinary membership of not less than thirty paid-up members.

4. Its members agree to such Club’s constitution, code of conduct and disciplinary code which is enforceable and in turn meets the objectives and standards of ORRA.

5. It has a Radio Officer as defined in paragraph 2.4 of the ORRA Constitution.

6. It will ensure that it will discipline its member should the member who has an user authorisation and does not act in the interest of ORRA or transgresses the rules and regulations of ICASA.

7. It has been in existence for not less than twelve months.

8. The Club/organisation will inform ORRA when a members membership terminates who has an user Authority from ORRA.

Club Application Form