VHF (Very High Frequency)

This type of radio has been professionally in use for many years world-wide and is supported by all Manufacturers of two-way radios. These radios are typically high-powered but in South Africa the power limit is restricted to 30W for Commercial use. This is, however, completely adequate for good radio communications between two or more users.

For ORRA purposes the VHF radios must be able to opperate within the 146 - 174MHz frequency band. VHF radios offer excellent communication range, anywhere from about 15 - 30Km between mobile units but dependent upon surrounding terrain. They are powered at 30 watt RF output and are immune to interference caused by atmospheric or electrical conditions. All VHF radios require an appropriate ICASA license, or, in our case, an ORRA user authority for only the three (3) frequencies allocated to us. All other frequencies on the radio must be legally licensed by the relevant parties for those frequencies.

The same rules for AM antennas apply to the FM antennas as well. However, there are two common types available:

Pictured below are some typical multi-channel VHF/FM Radios. As ORRA has revised their channel list, we will no longer recommend any radio below 8-channel capacity.

KENWOOD TK7100 64-Channel VHF Radio

KIRISUN PT8100 VHF 256-Channel Mobile Radio

VERTEX VX2200 128-Channel VHF Radio